Vrij geruisloos is de soundtrack van Martin Scorcese’s film ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ uitgekomen.

Toch is die muziek geschreven en gespeeld door Robbie Robertson, ooit een van de leden van The Band en een vriend van Scorsese.

Die vriendschap ontstond toen Scorsese ‘The Last Waltz’ regisseerde, de documentaire over het afscheidsconcerten van The Band.

Daarna componeerde Robertson de filmmuziek voor films als ‘Raging Bull’, ‘Gangs of New York’, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ en ‘The Irishman’.

De op 9 augustus jl. overleden Robertson schreef in het persbericht:

‘I feel that the score is unexpected in many ways and authentic to the heart of the story. For me, it’s kind of perfection to be able to go all the way around this big circle. Starting at Six Nations when music comes along in my life, and then to my history with Martin Scorsese and all the movies leading up to ‘Killers Of The Flower Moon’. The fact that we’re getting to do a Western in our own way, you really couldn’t have written this. We’re in awe ourselves that our brotherhood has outlasted everything. We’ve been there, we’ve been through it. I am so proud of both our friendship and our work. They have been a gift in my life…

I was gathering pictures in my head of music I heard as a child at the Six Nations Indian Reserve. My relatives are all sitting around with their instruments, and one guy would start a rhythm, and then somebody would start singing a melody to that, and it was just haunting. The feeling of the music beside you like that, humming and droning — the groove and the feel of it got under my skin and it lives there forever…

Two days after Marty returned from Oklahoma and filming had wrapped, he was ready to get started with the music. Digging into my imagination and seeing where it leads me helps build what I do with him. Sometimes, it’s a small build, but this was a really big one. A lot of music was involved with this.’

De soundtrack bevat 21 nummers waarvan vijftien van Robertson zelf.

Vijf van de overige zes lijken er muzikaal weinig mee te maken te hebben, maar misschien valt alles op zijn plaats tijdens het zien van de film.

de tracklist:

1. ‘(Intro) The Sacred Pipe’
2. ‘Osage Oil Boom’
3. ‘My Land…My Land’
4. ‘Heartbeat Theme/ Ni-U-Kon-Ska’
5. ‘They Don’t Live Long’
6. ‘The Wedding’
7. ‘Tribal Council’
8. ‘Reign Of Terror’
9. ‘Insulin Train’
10. ‘Tulsa Massacre Newsreel’
11. ‘Shame On Us’
12. ‘Too Much Dynamite’
13. ‘Not If it’s Illegal’
14. ‘Salvation Adagio’
15. ‘Still Standing’
16. ‘Tupelo Blues’ – Rayna Gellert, Kieran Kane, Philip Jamison & David Mansfield
17. ‘Livery Stable Blues’ – Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks
18. ‘The Gallop, Chasse, Pas de Bourree’ – Adam Nielsen
19. ‘Metropolis (A Blue Fantasie)’ – Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks
20. ‘Mollie’ – Andy Stein
21. ‘Wahzhazhe (A Song For My People)’ – Osage Tribal Singers

Eerdere berichten over Robbie Robertson vind je in de categorieën Nieuws, Muziekboeken Rootsmuziek op radio, tv en internet en Dossier Ook al dood…