Bruce Springsteen’s vier cd’s tellende box Tracks komt op 30 september opnieuw uit.

Tracks bevat niet regulier uitgebrachte songs, outtakes, demo’s en alternatieve versies van song uit de hele carrière van Springsteen.

De box kwam in 1998 uit en was de laatste vijf jaar niet meer leverbaar.

De nummers zijn digitaal opnieuw gemixt en geremastered, terwijl er een boekje van 56 pagina’s bijzit met foto’s, teksten en bezettingen.

Voor echte Springsteen-fanatici volgt hier de complete tracklist:

disc 1

Mary queen of Arkansas, 2 mei1972
It’s hard to be a saint in the city,  2 mei1972
Growin’ up,  2 mei1972
Does this bus stop at 82nd Street?,  2 mei1972
Bishop danced,  live Max’s Kansas City, NY, 19 februari 1973
Santa Ana,  outtake van The wild, the innocent & the E Street shuffle outtake, 28 juni 1973
Seaside Bar song, outtake van The wild, the innocent & the E Street shuffle outtake, 28 juni 1973

Zero and Blind Terry, outtake The wild, the innocent & the e Street shuffle, 28-6-1973

Linda let me be the one, outtake Born to Run, 28-6-1975
Thundercrack,  outtake van The wild, the innocent & the E Street shuffle outtake, 28 juni 1973

Rendezvous, live opgenomen in het Nassau Coliseum, NY, 31-12-1980
Give the girl a kiss, outtake Darkness on the edge of town, 10-11-1977

Iceman,  outtake Darkness on the edge of town, 27-10-1977
Bring on the night, outtake The river, 13-6-1979
So young and in love, outtake Born to run, 1974
Hearts of stone, outtake Darkness on the edge of town, 14-10-1977
Don’t look back, outtake Darkness on the edge of town, 2-7-1977

disc 2

Restless nights, outtake The river, 11-4-1980
A good man is hard to find (Pittsburgh), outtake Born in the USA, 5-5-1982
Roulette , outtake The river en B-kant van One step up, 3-4-1979
Dollhouse, outtake The river, 21-8-1979
Where the bands are, outtake The river, 9-10-1979
Loose ends, outtake The river, 18-7-1979
Living on the edge of the world, outtake The river, 7-12-1979
Wages of sin, outtake Born in the USA, 10-5-1982
Take ’em as they come, outtake The river, 10-4-1980
Be true, outtake The river en B-kant van Fade away, 21-7-1979
Ricky wants a man of her own, outtake The river, 16-7-1979
I wanna be with you, outtake The river, 31-5-1979
Mary Lou, outtake The river, 30-5-1979
Stolen car, alternatieve versie The river, 26-7-1979
Born in the USA, demo, outtake Nebraska, januari 1982
Johnny bye-bye, outtake Born in the USA en B-kant van I’m on fire, januari 1983
Shut out the light, outtake Born in the USA en B-kant van Born tot the USA, januari 1983

disc 3

Cynthia, outtake Born in the USA, 20-4-1983
My love will not let you down, outtake Born in the USA, 5-5-1982

This hard land, outtake Born in the USA, 11-5-1982
Frankie, outtake Born in the USA,   14-5-1982
TV movie, outtake Born in the USA, 13-7-1983
Stand on it (alternative version), outtake Born in the USA,  16-6-1983
Lion’s den,  outtake Born in the USA, 25-1-1982
Car wash, outtake Born in the USA,  31-5-1983
Rockaway the days, outtake Born in the USA,  3-2-1984
Brothers under the bridges ’83, outtake Born in the USA,  4-9-1983
Man at the top, outtake Born in the USA,  12-1-1984
Pink cadillac, outtake Born in the USA en b-kant van Dancing in the dark,  31-5-1983
Two for the road, outtake Tunnel of love en b-kant van Tunnel of love, februari 1987
Janey, don’t you lose hear, outtake Born in the USA en b-kant van I’m going down, 16-6-1983
When you need me, outtake Tunnel of love, 20-1-1987

The wish, outtake Tunnel of love, 22-2-1987
The honeymooners, outtake Tunnel of love, 22-2-1987
Lucky man, outtake Tunnel of love en b-kant van Brilliant disguise, 4-4-1987

disc 4

Leavin’ train, outtake Human touch, 27-2-1990
Seven angels, outtake Human touch, 29-6-1990
Gave it a name, outtake Human touch, 24-8-1998, opnieuw opgenomen voor Tracks
Sad eyes, outtake Human touch, 25-1-1990
My lover man, outtake Human touch,  4-12-1990
Over the rise, outtake Human touch, 7-12-1990
When the lights go out, 6-12-1990
Loose change, outtake Human touch, 31-1-1991
Trouble in paradise, outtake Human touch,  1-12-1989
Happy, outtake Lucky town, 18-1-1992
Part man, Part monkey, outtake Human touch en b-kant van  57 Channels (and Nothin’ On), januari 1990

Goin’ Cali,  outtake Human touch, 29 januari 1991

Back in your arms, 12 januari 1995
Brothers under the bridge (’95), outtake The ghost of Tom Joad, 22-5-1995