Neil Young en Stevie Wonder hebben beiden hun steun uitgesproken voor de kandidatuur van Kamala Harris voor het Amerikaanse presidentschap.

Young deed dat op zijn website. Daar  schreef hij onder de kop ‘Why I Love Kamala Harris’: “She is an honest forthright truth teller who is experienced in the White House, free from ambiguity or evasiveness, who goes straight to the point.

Clear headed, young enough to hold the office for a couple of bright future terms, Kamala Harris is a good person who is unafraid to take on criminals and uphold the law of the USA. She’s my candidate for the future of this great country.

Kamala Harris will take on the billionaire class and make them pay their share of taxes. She will not owe them any favors. She is a kind, considerate American. Cast your vote for a beautiful future for your family. Kamala Harris for president.’:

Stevie Wonder sprak zijn steun uit in een anderhalve minuut durende video op X met Spike Lee als aangever:

‘I am excited, was excited about Kamala years before people knew who she was.

I’m very happy for the future. I’m very happy because I know and believe that she will be the next president of these United States.

And you know truthfully, not to make you guys feel bad, but it takes a woman. But not just any woman, a wonderful woman. And she has done the work consistently.and she has had the humility and the passion consistently so I want to continue to write and be inspired by the very placet hat has been my inspirationn, the various cultures, the various people, we need to really fix what’s going on here…’, terwijl hij op zijn borst klopt.

‘In the heart?’ vraagt Lee ten overvloede.

Wonder gaat verder: ‘You have to live in the trut hand the truth is we have been brought together for reasons far bigger than you and I. THat’s what I nbeleive I’m here because I celebrate both her and the future vice president because of the commitment tot his country.’